
Thursday, 16 December 2010

The Second Valentines Winning Wednesday

Here are all the entrants for the second Valentines 'Winning Wednesday' competition to win one of our fully click-able graphic adverts in our fabulous Valentines Edition of Creative Crafting.

We had 24 crafter's enter the competition this week, and as as usual you have all been allocated your own number.

  1. bonnitagraphics 
  2. MissBohemia 
  3. frankie 
  4. HollypopsCrafts 
  5. zygotegifts 
  6. uniquelyyours 
  7. Kat Graham 
  8. Bb Senthi· 
  9. Lisa's Hand Made Card's· 
  10. Natasha Middleton-Lidbetter 
  11. Dawn Bevins 
  12. Anna Roberts 
  13. Kerry Tessyman 
  14. Angela Cross 
  15. ZoĆ« Ford 
  16. Gemma Andrews 
  17. Pam Harrow · 
  18. Lisa Agnew Was Taylor 
  19. Maggie Bagwash 
  20. Kelly 'womble' Johnson 
  21. Laura Groom 
  22. Teresa Thompson McKitterick 
  23. Paula Burkett 
  24. Maryann Morris

We used to generate a number, and here is the result!


Anna Roberts
Silver Leaf Shiny Stuff

You have won a FREE 125 x125 Graphic Advert in the directory in the Valentines issue of Creative Crafting Magazine.

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