
Wednesday 1 August 2012

An Interview with - noodleBubble

Published in issue 18, August 2012

And Interview with

Tell us about the lady behind Noodle Bubble.

Crafty sort that possibly spends rather too long on Twitter to be properly productive. Very fond of vintage fabric, utterly addicted to buttons, she could (and does) fiddle with felt till the cows come home. noodleBubble pieces are sold in a few shops in the UK and are also available online at Folksy~ noodleBubble pieces are handsewn so each piece is quite unique. When she's not sewing (Or on Twitter) Miss noodleBubble is usually to be found with her head in a book. Predominantly inspired by the natural world, occasionally ideas pop out of books for her to sew.

When did first begin creating your designs, and why?

I've always made things for friends & family. A friend suggested I have a stall at a fair 5 years ago... noodleBubble grew from there - I began to sell on Folksy. Did more fairs, then approached a few shops. Although I still do the occasional fair I now predominantly make to sell through shops.

What is it that you enjoy about your work? 

I like being able to do the school run and generally be able to move my work around school and family. To be honest, it's not like work... I drop off at school get home & pop on a film, sit in front of the fire stitching OR Spend the day in a deckchair sewing. Please don't print that I like to perpetuate the myth that my work is HARD. (Oops, sorry Lisa)

What is your biggest crafting achievement, and why?

For me my greatest achievement is being able to earn money from what I love to do.

Other than your crafting, what else do you like to do?

I enjoy being outdoors and I like a rummage through a junk shop (Old appeals so much more to me than new) If I'm not out, sewing or on Twitter, you can guarantee I'll have my head in a book. I’m a regular at the local library and always have a list I want to read and a teetering pile by my bed.

If you had to choose your favourite from your creations which one would it be? 

I think my Cheshire cat brooch- He has a great many teeth and makes everyone smile!

Where does your inspiration come from?

Most of my inspiration is from nature - flowers in particular. The occasional creation has been known to leap out to be sewn straight from the covers of a book i.e. my favourite Cheshire Cat or as a result of junk shopping... Dala horses. I can't walk past a charity shop without going in for a ferret... and can't pass a box of stuff marked £1 without buying something...Anything! What is it? "I don't know It's a POUND!''

If you could change one thing about what you do, what would it be? 

Probably NOTHING! One part of me would like a studio somewhere - Working at home on my own I miss human contact & consequently I spend a lot of time on Twitter - it's my water cooler during the day. There's ALWAYS someone on Twitter that can pass 5 minutes while the kettle boils. Indeed, I am answering these questions in response to a Tweet. The good side is that being at home I can nip to get washing in etc (although I do try to be strict about 'working hours' during the day. Luckily I'm not house proud so am rarely tempted away by household chores.) My family would probably want me to get a studio - all too often my workroom is 'too full of creativity' so I end up spreading felt, buttons... etc...over the dining table....

Do you have a favourite website? 

I (like so many others) find Pinterest amazing. I've always pulled pics and articles from mags (OK I still do) and this is a way of A. storing them neatly *glances at teetering pile on desk* and more importantly it's a way of finding all your reference material immediately.
Has any person helped or supported you more than any other?
I've found Hilary Pullen that runs the Craft Blog UK an infinite supplier of online craft wisdom & life saver. She's fantastic

Tell us a random fact about yourself! 

I find it VERY difficult to talk about myself, am squirming as I answer these questions and honestly? I wish I hadn't said I'd do it! *blushes*
We are very pleased that you agreed to be interviewed Lisa. :)

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