
Friday 28 September 2012

An Interview with .... Nanuk Jewellery

Published in Issue 19, October 2012

Tell us about the lady behind Nanuk Jewellery 
My name is Louise, and I set up Nanuk Jewellery about 3 years ago to start selling my own hand made jewellery designs. I studied Silversmithing, Goldsmithing and Jewellery at Kent Institute of Art and Design, and a couple of years after I finished my degree I began to make and sell my own work.

When did first begin creating your designs, and why? 
I have always enjoyed making things and trying new crafts, and eventually got into beading and jewellery-making, but Nanuk jewellery really kicked off once I left university. After some time working for a local jeweller’s and making a few pieces for people in my spare time, I set up on my own making and selling my designs.

What is it that you enjoy about your work?
I love being able to make the ideas in my head into actual objects – although they often end up quite different from the original idea! – and seeing people wear and love something I have created. I especially love to work on commissions, when I have designed something especially for that person.

What is your biggest crafting achievement, and why? 
I have been very pleased with some of the wedding jewellery I have been lucky enough to work on lately. I also recently made a moongazing hare pendant which someone had asked for, and I was thrilled with how it turned out (as was the customer!), so much so that I am planning to make some more, including my Nanuk bear in a similar design.

Other than your crafting, what else do you like to do?
If I’m not making jewellery, I’m usually making something else! I love to draw with pen and ink, making cards and decorating notebooks and things, and I am hoping to begin introducing some of these into my Nanuk range. Other than that, I love to read when I have time, and get out and about taking the dog for walks.

If you had to choose your favourite from your creations which one would it be?
I tend to switch favourites whenever I come up with a new idea I like! However, I think my Leaf Dragons, the pendants and earrings, are my all-time favourite designs, and I would like to create some new dragon-themed ideas.

Where does your inspiration come from? 
I get most of my inspiration from the illustrated books of fairy tales I had whilst I was growing up, featuring the work of artists such as Kay Nielsen and Edmund Dulac. I love all the detail and colour, and I like to use a lot of stones and beads and wire-wrapped details to represent this in my work. I am also inspired by the stories themselves, which had led to the mythical creatures and dragons featured in some of my work.

If you could change one thing about what you do, what would it be?
I would definitely get someone to do my finishing for me! All the emerying and polishing can be time-consuming, and very fiddly on some of the more intricate designs.

Do you have a favourite website?
My favourite site at the moment is probably Folksy (, which I sell my work through. There are some amazingly talented people selling their work on there, and so many beautiful things, I have to try not to get too distracted browsing through them!

Has any person helped or supported you more than any other?
My family and friends have all been very supportive of my endeavours, but my sister in particular is my biggest fan. She is always willing to tell everyone about my work, and she has helped me with craft fairs and by letting me bounce ideas off her.

Tell us a random fact about yourself!
I have a slightly freaky ability for remembering completely random/useless facts and words – very helpful for crosswords!!

Find Nanuk Jewellery here:

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