
Friday 28 September 2012

Wedding Wonders With No Wonga Part 2

Published in Issue 19, October 2012
Written by Kerry from Scrapbookerry


Mr L proposed, I said yes and now we are trying to get the wedding of our dreams with the least amount of money possible. Some things we are making ourselves, some things are beinggiven to us, others we are getting through hard labour and lotsof rooting around for bargains and other things just can’t bebudged. So we will try some haggling instead.

If you are interested in helping us along the Wedding Wonderswith No Wonga journey then please do contact us at

The first plans.

These last couple of months we have been trying to work out exactly what we want from our wedding and have been having to look at some of the things that we do need to pay for! The dates, themes and venues have been at the front of our minds!

As soon as Mr L proposed, I knew right away that I wanted to get married on the last weekend in August. I didn’t really care what day of the week it was, it just had to be that last weekend. Luckily Mr L knew that I would want that and was happy to go along with that date as well.
The date is important to me. My own parents were married on the 1st of September and my sister and brother in law were married on the 29th of August, so it just seemed right to get married in between them. 

Once we looked at the diaries we saw that in 2014 the 30th of August falls on the August bank holiday and it is Saturday as well. It must hve been destined as it was perfect for us, so within days we had the date set.

We have had lots many discussions about what we wanted and our ideas for our wedding. Everything we have been thinking and talking about has been put into our Wedding Art Journal so we can record all of our ideas. Our ideas usually end up being the same! We are both country people in our hearts and we both want that to be reflected in our wedding.

We thought we would have a quiet wedding and a reception in a field.

We didn’t want anything fancy. We wanted a vintage feel with old style tea sets and a nice simple hog roast for the food. We had various ideas for colour combinations, but eventually decided on brown and cream. It is a colour combination which suits all of our immediate family. As I am strawberry blonde, Mr L is brown and Baba is ginger we needed something that suited us all.

So we were raring to go….

But we came unstuck with the field. We have gone over this idea for the last
few weeks, trying to decide whether it is truly what we want. It is something that we both would love, but and it is a big but, we are both very nervous of the great British weather. We can’t afford to have massive marquees and were thinking of having tents instead. Our next hurdle was trying to find a field near us. We live in an area with lots and lots of fields around us. However finding one that we wanted was a different matter. 

We began looking into village halls instead and some of them near us were remarkable. We have managed to find a fantastic hall we can hire for the whole weekend and can decorate to our own specifications. It has great grounds, so we still have space for our hog roast and it has a playground for the children. It looks fantastic. There are car parking spaces and it isn’t too far from the church. So all in all it is perfect and the best thing is that it is undercover and the price is great! A really good deal for the whole weekend. 

We are set on having vintage china sets and we have narrowed it
down to two options. We can either go hunting ourselves searching car boots, eBay, charity shops and jumble sales or hiring all the china from a company. Like Dormouse and The Teapot This company hires enough china out for a wedding of 80, which would be perfect for us.

They have a stunning range and it is just what we are looking for. But at the moment it is still a decision to be made - whether, to hire or to buy ourselves?

We are planning far in advance so we decided that we wanted to make some Save the Date cards. Nothing too complicated as we wanted the cards to fit in with the simple theme of the wedding itself.
We could go with a very simple Save the Date card, where we would fill in all the details, but this could be time-consuming, or we could opt for a more personal photo Save the Date card.


This is more us and fits in well with my scrap booking. Plus once it is made it can easily be reprinted to send to all our family and friends.
The card is more in keeping with a wedding and more in line with what we
are wanting for the rest of our wedding. So it has been decided that these are
going to be our Save the Date cards and the rest of the wedding stationery will be
based on a similar design!

If you are interested in helping us along the Wedding Wonders with No Wonga journey then please do contact us at

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