
Thursday 28 March 2013

Tina on the Golf Course - April 2013

Hi I'm Tina !

Yes you did read it correctly I am on the golf course and not in ‘The Garden’, because I am on my yearly trip to Florida.

There  are so many golf courses here I thought you might like to share the beauty of them with me.
I just love being outside in the fresh air, but the golf I produce however leaves a lot to be desired.

Over  here in Florida they are all wanting rain as it has been a very dry summer they tell me; I keep saying they could definitely have had some of ours. There you are, as always we all want what we do not have.

All the courses are irrigated - there are miles and miles of underground pipes. The water used is from the lakes and ponds, most of which are man-made.
Here are just two, there are so many and all so different, but all beautiful. When they are watering though  it can be a little smelly.   

The Lakes and ponds are stocked periodically with fish, but fishermen are not allowed - they are just for the birds who flock in their thousands… who wouldn't for a free meal. There is the odd alligator and snake, and turtles which are not the most attractive, but give me those any day rather than the other two. Well it is Florida after all.       


Many of the birds are residents,  these in the photo are herons and wood storks. The storks are really big birds and seem to look even bigger when they fly, which they do a lot from one pond or lake to another.  The delicate white birds are white Ibis, and boy you should see them dig out the worms and insects with those beaks. Sand cranes are really unusual with their pretty red heads; they are large and so noisy, you always know when they are around.         

Not a lot of flowers are used, just the odd perennials. The plants and shrubs are green all year, it is very cleverly done. It is central Florida so there are a lot of the live oaks  with Spanish Moss as you may remember from last year's article.  

If you are a new reader you should check out the past issues. They are just packed with good ideas.
Ok enough of the commercials now back to the program. Let's get back on the golf course, our friends are very patient with me and my camera, but maybe I would play better if I concentrated on the golf  as much as I do on the photos. Well that is my better half's opinion, and he may well be right.

What a feature this dead tree makes, quite beautiful!
 As with the lakes all the courses are very different from the rustic ones of the old Florida to the new more manicured ones.

Now I am off on a totally different subject, I do this as you know, but I just had to share with you this new top which I bought. Just read it, it is me isn't it! Well me and the garden and I had to come all the way to Florida to find it. I just could not resist it. But we can always do with a new top anyway, can't we girls?

This photo is a little different - a frosty morning in Florida, yes they do have them here in central Florida.
But of course it does not stay long, then the warm sunshine is back. 

It is early March as I write this but before I close I will just update you with a few photos that show how the garden was looking in February.
It has kept remarkably green, could that possibly be due to all the rain do you think? Some parts of the Bog are turning into ponds and the water Iris are just peeping up through the water. A natural pond without all the work can't be bad, and they look so clean and fresh. A few spring flowers are beginning to make an appearance.

Well I will leave you now to enjoy the rest of your day, or morning or evening whatever time it is with you, as of course we have readers  and friends all over the world. What a wonderful thought.

Thank you for joining me again and I look forward to your visit in the next issue when I will be once more in The Garden, I can't wait.
See you then.
Your green fingered friend,


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