
Saturday 30 March 2013

Wheat Free Recipes

Wheat Free Recipes

Published in Issue 22, April 2013
Written by Claire from Elderberry Arts

People can have allergies and sensitivities to a wide range of foods and to varying degrees. Foods that are
known to commonly cause problems include milk, wheat, gluten, soy and nuts.

Food intolerance reactions are delayed and often it is not obvious what is causing the problem making it hard tostop them reoccurring. Unlike those from food intolerances, allergic reactions trigger the release of histamine and reactions are obvious and happen quickly after the food is consumed.
Keeping a food diary can help to figure out what is causing food intolerance symptoms. Symptoms can vary andinclude pretty much every aspect of the body. People often crave the foods they are in fact intolerant too. 

Other symptoms may include:
Behavioural/psychological - decreased attention span, hyperactivity, impulsivity, mood swings, anxiety, panic attacks, withdrawal and obsessive behaviours

Neurological – headaches, ringing ears and dizziness

Skin – eczema, rashes, hives and dark circles around the eyes

Digestion – stomach aches, loose stools/diarrhoea, constipation and bloating. Some people alternate between constipation and diarrhoea.

Respiratory – excessive mucus, wheezing, worsening of existing asthma

Cardiovascular – changes in pulse rate and heart beat

It can seem very complicated and overwhelming to think about excluding a food from your diet, especially when itis a food so widespread as milk or wheat. Many supermarkets now stock a range of ‘Free From’ foods and manyhealthy foods such as fruits and vegetables are natural free from these items. Alterative such as rice or oat meal, corn or rice pastas or alternative flours such as gram (chickpea), coconut, buckwheat or rice can be bought and used mostly as you would the wheat versions or cow’s milk.

A huge range of blogs, websites and books are also available for suggestions, recipes and information to help you along the way. It can be surprising how well known ingredients can be used in new ways to create delicious and healthy meals without having to worry about the effects of your food intolerance. Just because you are following a special diet does not mean you have to miss out as I hope the following recipes will show.

Raw Chocolate Brownies
Makes: Approx. 16 brownies
2 cups raw almonds
1 pound Medjool dates with the stones removed
5 heaped teaspoons raw cocoa powder
1-2 tablespoons raw agave nectar (optional)

Blend almonds in a food processor until finely ground. Add all of the remaining ingredients and process until they combine fully.
Press the mixture into an 8×8-inch baking dish and place in the freezer for at least an hour or in a refrigerator overnight.
Cut into pieces and serve.
These brownies last really well if kept in a seal container in the fridge.

Banana Ice Cream
4 bananas
250ml plain soya yoghurt

Peel and roughly slice the bananas. Place in a plastic container and freeze until solid.
Place the frozen bananas and yoghurt in a blender or food processor and mix until smooth.

Mushroom Burger
1/2 portabello mushroom, diced
1/4 red onion thinly sliced
Garlic clove
salt and pepper
1/4 tsp paprika

Approximately 1/2 cup wheat free breadcrumbs or bread
Put everything in a food processor and blend until well combined. 
You can completely blend it or pulse for a more ‘chunky’ texture.
Shape into two burgers and grill for approx. 10 minutes each side.

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