
Wednesday 29 May 2013

Tina in the Garden - June 2013

Tina in the Garden
Published in issue 23, June 2013

Hi! I'm Tina,

Yes I am back in the garden and very pleased to welcome you all on this beautiful spring day. We will have our tea in the conservatory where we can see the garden and enjoy the sunshine, as the wind is a still little cold.

It is the May Bank Holiday and I don't believe this weather. We never get this on a Bank Holiday do we? Spring has really arrived!

So shall see what has been appearing in ‘The Garden’ since your last visit. 

We had the early daffodils but it was still so cold, now everything is coming out so fast the bluebells are only just going to come out before the trees have their leaves. They are also spreading all over the garden I just keep finding them everywhere, what a bonus. 

The forsythia has been absolutely gorgeous and so many primroses just everywhere, the tulips also such bold colours.

There is some blossom on one of the crab apples but the other two have been in the path of the cold winds, the pears and apple trees have blossom but not as much as in other years. But just look at the delicate pink and white blossoms, and the fresh young leaves.

So many shades of green and so fresh and vibrant, the trees don't need blossom they are beautiful with just the leaves. There is the cow parsley it looks wonderful in the summer with its lacey white blooms, but now what a wonderful shade of green. Also the water mint which is wild, not to be confused with cultivated mint, smells the same but is not edible. It is very pretty and shows more shades of green.

Of course we have our resident crow, same tree, same nest it just keeps getting bigger each year, it is so special to see them bring up a new family every year. I can’t help saying yet again nature really is wonderful.

The Bog has dried out a lot and the water iris are coming up so fast you can almost see them growing.  The marsh marigolds are just finishing now but have been like a patch of golden sunlight.

The clematis in the hidden garden is in bud and the grapevine, if this sunshine keeps up the will be out in all their glory very soon. The skimmia grew so big last year it is huge now and is flowering and smells just wonderful.
The parsley came through the winter well but I lost the thyme and sage.I will have to restock the herb pots this year. Also I was so pleased and surprised to find that some cuttings which I had taken of roses and shrubs have survived , I just left them in a sheltered spot in the hidden garden.

Also the roses are all getting their new leaves and I have been trimming the dead wood from them where it was killed by the cold winter winds,just tidying them up a bit. Also the passion flower was damaged by the winter and I had to cut it well back, I will keep you informed of its progress.

At the moment I am sure you can almost see the leaves coming out and the plants coming up. After the cold winter this sunshine is wonderful long may it last, not just for the plants but for us to.

The rain last year was good for the garden and some of the plants need pruning back a bit but with the cold weather lasting so long it has to be done quickly or it will be to late. The Russian vine over the seat being just one. Did I say over the seat you could hardly see the seat at all, I had to get my better half to attack that and he came through as usual.

In some of the wild parts of the garden we have brambles, (well my better half does love blackberry and apple pie) and they are a lovely free fruit. But boy did they love the rain last year and the fact that it was so wet we could not get out to deal with them and they have spread like mad so we are on the offensive but they do fight back. Of course I am not going to show you a photo of brambles I will leave that to your imagination .

Well I think I have talked enough so I will show you some random photos.

The garden really is so special at the moment so new and exciting, I am snapping photos all the time.

Oh! I guess we drank the tea and ate the biscuits, so who's for a walk in the sunshine this beautiful Spring day?

Thank you all for taking the time to visit with me, and I look forward to seeing you all again in the next issue when I will again be in ‘The Garden’.

Your green fingered friend,

Can you spot the crow on this misty morning in 'The Garden'?

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